
Flex is CBox with display: flex and comes with helpful style shorthand. It renders a div element.


import { CFlex, CSpacer } from '@chakra-ui/vue-next';
  • Flex: A CBox with display: flex.
  • Spacer: Creates an adjustable, empty space that can be used to tune the spacing between child elements within Flex.


When using the Flex component, you can use some of the following helpful shorthand props:

  • direction for flexDirection
  • wrap for flexWrap
  • align for alignItems
  • justify for justifyContent

While you can pass the verbose props, using the shorthand can save you some time.

Box 1

Box 2

Box 3

<CFlex color='white'>    <CCenter w='100px' bg='green.500'>      <CText>Box 1</CText>    </CCenter>    <CSquare bg='blue.500' size='150px'>      <CText>Box 2</CText>    </CSquare>    <CBox flex='1' bg='tomato'>      <CText>Box 3</CText>    </CBox></CFlex>

Using the Spacer

As an alternative to CStack, you can combine CFlex and CSpacer to create stackable and responsive layouts.

Box 1
Box 2
<CFlex>    <CBox p='4' bg='red.400'>        Box 1
    </CBox>    <CSpacer />    <CBox p='4' bg='green.400'>        Box 2

Flex and Spacer vs Grid vs Stack

The CFlex and CSpacer components, CGrid and CHStack treat children of different widths differently.

  • In CHStack, the children will have equal spacing between them but they won't span the entire width of the container.
  • In CGrid, the starting points of the children will be equally spaced but the gaps between them will not be equal.
  • With CFlex and CSpacer, the children will span the entire width of the container and also have equal spacing between them.

Flex and Spacer: Full width, equal Spacing

Grid: The children start at the beginning, the 1/3 mark and 2/3 mark

HStack: The children have equal spacing but don't span the whole container

<CBox>    <CText>Flex and Spacer: Full width, equal Spacing</CText>    <CFlex>      <CBox w='70px' h='10' bg='red.500' />      <CSpacer />      <CBox w='170px' h='10' bg='red.500' />      <CSpacer />      <CBox w='180px' h='10' bg='red.500' />    </CFlex>    <CText>      Grid: The children start at the beginning, the 1/3 mark and 2/3 mark
    </CText>    <CGrid template-columns='repeat(3, 1fr)' gap={6}>      <CBox w='70px' h='10' bg='blue.500' />      <CBox w='170px' h='10' bg='blue.500' />      <CBox w='180px' h='10' bg='blue.500' />    </CGrid>    <CText>      HStack: The children have equal spacing but don't span the whole container
    </CText>    <CHStack spacing='24px'>      <CBox w='70px' h='10' bg='teal.500' />      <CBox w='170px' h='10' bg='teal.500' />      <CBox w='180px' h='10' bg='teal.500' />    </CHStack>  </CBox>

A good use case for CSpacer is to create a navbar with a signup/login button aligned to the right.

Since CSpacer renders a div, any gap value provided to the parent is applied to both sides of this component, and therefore make the gap appear doubled when the spacer is completely collapsed.

The example below is not responsive on purpose as you might switch to a collapsed menu on mobile.

Chakra App

<CFlex min-width='max-content' align-items='center' gap='2'>    <CBox p='2'>      <CHeading size='md'>Chakra App</CHeading>    </CBox>    <CSpacer />    <CButtonGroup p='2'>      <CButton rounded="10px" color-scheme='teal'>Sign Up</CButton>      <CButton rounded="10px" color-scheme='teal'>Log in</CButton>    </CButtonGroup></CFlex>

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