
Headings are used for rendering semantic HTML heading elements.

Heading composes CBox so you can use all the style props and add responsive styles as well. It renders an <h2> tag by default.


import { CHeading } from '@chakra-ui/vue-next';


I'm a Heading

<CHeading>I'm a Heading</CHeading>

Changing font size

To increase the size of the heading, you can use the font-size or size prop. If you use the size prop, the font size of the heading will automatically decrease in size for smaller screens.

In love with Vue & Nuxt

In love with Vue & Nuxt

In love with Vue & Nuxt

In love with Vue & Nuxt

In love with Vue & Nuxt
In love with Vue & Nuxt
<CStack spacing="3">    <CHeading as="h1" size="2xl">        In love with Vue & Nuxt
    </CHeading>    <CHeading as="h2" size="xl">        In love with Vue & Nuxt
    </CHeading>    <CHeading as="h3" size="lg">        In love with Vue & Nuxt
    </CHeading>    <CHeading as="h4" size="md">        In love with Vue & Nuxt
    </CHeading>    <CHeading as="h5" size="sm">        In love with Vue & Nuxt
    </CHeading>    <CHeading as="h6" size="xs">        In love with Vue & Nuxt

Truncate heading

Pass the is-truncated prop to render an ellipsis when the headings exceed

Basic text writing, including headings, body text, lists, and more.

<CHeading is-truncated>    Basic text writing, including headings, body text, lists, and more.

Override style

You can override the size of the Heading component by passing the font-size prop.

I'm overriding this heading


Modern online and offline payments for Africa

Paystack helps businesses in Africa get paid by anyone, anywhere in the world

<CBox max-w="32rem">    <CHeading mb="4">Modern online and offline payments for Africa</CHeading>    <CText font-size="xl">        Paystack helps businesses in Africa get paid by anyone, anywhere in the
    </CText>    <CButton size="lg" variant-color="green" mt="24px">        Create a free account


The CHeading composes the CBox component. So it accepts all Box props along with the related CSS grid props. See Box component for list of props.

size2xl, xl, lg, md, sm, xsxlThe size of the heading.
ash1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6h2The final tag rendered.

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